Monthly Early Bird Raffle Official Rules For all Communities Attention Residents! If you make your lot rent (1st) and house payment (10th) on time then you qualify for our “Monthly Early Bird Raffle” TO SEE IF YOU ARE ONE OF OUR LUCKY $100 WINNERS JUST FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW: Go to Choose the tab at the […]
How to be a good witness! Sometimes as law enforcement officers we get frustrated with how little information we receive from the victims of crime. We are amazed that victims overlook so much obvious evidence. But come to think of it, the reason for this is hopefully you do not have a lot of experience […]
With Spring just around the corner, we are very excited about the new pond project at Cedar Village! Cedar Village has formed a committee of residents which will be in charge of protecting our pond and the wildlife in and around it. For those of you that haven’t heard the news, we stocked the pond and we are anticipating a healthy […]
Thank You!!!! Evergreen Village wants to thank everyone for attending our Open House on March 9th. Of course, the new Giles ParkPad was a big hit and we are looking forward to all our current residents visiting. Please inquire at the office for a private showing of this home. Contact Kathy at 770.387.9375 […]
Celebrations within the Communities From time to time we get calls from residents asking for permission to use fireworks on the property. As much as we like to see our residents celebrate and be merry we do have to stop and reflect on the safety issues that may arise. In many cultures and places around […]
Where were you? Many times when speaking to the victim of a crime like a theft, or an Entered Auto I will often be asked, “Where were you when this happened?” While they are understandably upset I have to admit my thoughts on the matter are, “It was your property, where were you?” It […]
TIPS TO HELP PREVENT ENTERING AUTO By Sgt. Bill Thompson Well as Christmas approaches sadly we have to also admit, “‘Tis the season” for the burglary of autos. Or, as we say here in Georgia, “Entered Autos.” Don’t let thieves do their Christmas shopping at your expense! The perpetrators of car break-ins often move around […]
Establishing Credit Purchasing a Mobile Home Did you know that you can establish and improve your credit score by purchasing a mobile home? Pentagon Properties is now teamed up with one of the largest manufactures in the country & thier associate, Clayton Homes and 21st Mortgage. Yes! Bank financing is here and you may […]